I sat on the upper deck of the worlds greatest passenger plane and I ran down the stairs twice just because I was able to:)
Again, the movies was good, the food was very super, but this time the trip itself was very bumpy - and I didn't manage to sleep with two very joyful passengers next to me enjoying free drinks and comedies all night through! Gruff!
Mmmm, Singapore Airlines. Kinda jealous now :)
SvarSlettSorry it had to be on a bumpy ride with noisy neighbours :(
I think such times calls for champagne, or another classy beverage with not so good taste. Then you could either fall asleep snoring or join the noisy neighbours :)
You are of course correct! I should have joined my joyful neighbours. T
SvarSlettMmmm, but they were however a bit annoying so the champagne might have made me even more aggravated. Bumping into a drunken fist fight on the worlds greatest passenger plane was not what I was looking for at the moment!
Thats true, drunken fistfights are best kept outside of flying machines :)
SvarSlettI have heard that red wine and redbull are a great mix in warm weather, but should of course be enjoyed responsibly and not while aggravated ;)
Ew:( Red wine and redbull - you must be kidding!