I got a aussie bank account in Commonwealth Bank and a ten numbered aussie phone number at Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Mobiles! I also bought a brand new phone to match the new number. For once I bough a pretty phone - and I am a bit terrified that it is just a eye candy and doesn't work at all.
It's called Samsung Star and you can see the picture here. What do you think?
It's quite a cunning phone with a section in the manual telling about "Make Fake Call"
I can apparently "simulate fake incoming calls when you want to get out of meetings or unwanted conversations" which only cost you 25Cents. You can also make it appear as if you are talking on the phone by playing back a recorded voice. For 25 Cents you can also lock numbers which you are afraid to call when you are drunk. lol:)
Ohh, nice phone. I hoped it would be a android phone, but it still looks good :) And you have the smile function, so only good pictures of you smiling from now on. And the fake phone-call functionality could come to good use :)
SvarSlettHope the commonwelath treats you nice, and dont gamble all your cents on back-alley cricket matches...
Yes, should have investigated a bit more - and maybe it would have been an android phone.
SvarSlettLol! But i love the back alley cricket matches!!
I would like a Samsung touch screen for my next telephone, this time I just bought a new Sony Ericsson flip phone. It's called Vegas, though, and it's as shiny as the Star;-)
SvarSlettWohoo! Vegas and Star. I think they would be good friends. I needed a new phone so thought I would buy a cheap one - but quickly climb up from the very cheapest ones costing 200 kroner to the Star who cost 1000 kroner and included 30 kroner credits.